Paid Editions

Test drive a free Passport, Gold, or Pixelblitz
Demo for a first-hand Impression
pushbutton simplicity and lightning fast pricing for spot and full color
sheetfed digital estimating based on consumables and/or click charges
Wide Format
from banners to posters and vehicle wraps, on a variety of substrates
black and color copy prices retrieved from a user-defined quantity matrix
a few simple steps: specify the size and binding, then fill in the contents
a category so flexible you can even use it to charge by the hour
MyWay Pricing
a powerful manual-mode option reserved for experienced estimators
Estimate Writer
auto-generate estimates by simply dropping quotes into a shopping cart
Tiered Click Charges
Five-tier click charges for digital, black and color
User-defined Presses
eight more offset and digital presses to precisely match your shop profile
select the offset or digital press that best meets the requirements of the job
RISO Presses
pricing for RISO duplicators, one and two colors
Xante Presses
pricing for Xante presses, black and four-color
From Quotes to Jobs
converting a quote to an order is a one-click selection in a picklist
Job Tickets
no other piece of paper plays a more critical role in avoiding mistakes
Job Tracking
shepherding jobs just works better on a screen than it does on a napkin
auto-generate invoices by simply dropping orders into a shopping cart
Link to QuickBooks
importing invoices into QuickBooks is so much easier on a digital link
Custom Prepress
unlimited custom prepress - if you can name it you can now quote it
Custom Postpress
unlimited custom postpress - add as many finishing options as you like
Custom Packaging
unlimited custom packaging - when boxes and shrinkwrap aren't enough
Custom Paper Markups
adjust paper markups on the fly to fine-tune individual quotes
Products with Bleeds
configure your own custom products with bleeds already built in
Free tech support
how-to videos in the library of this website plus free tech support

Standard Features you'll find
even in the FreeRide Edition
installed worldwide

Big expenses are little expenses added up. Pricing estimates and jobs with a calculator is a time hog, a turn-of-the-century administrative expense still weighing down the front office. By contrast, every extra hour spent in the shop or calling on customers has the potential to enhance your bottom line.

It won't take long before those dollars saved will show on your balance sheet as dollars earned.

"You get what you pay for"

That's good advice when you're buying a yacht but debatable when you're shopping for software. Some of the most highly rated programs are completely free to use, and more than a few are at the head of their class. Take Wordpress, Google, Facebook. So why pay $595 for the Morning Flight Gold Edition when you can download our FreeRide Program and not spend a dime?

Fair question. Look at it this way: The FreeRide is to a bicycle what the Gold and Pixelblitz editions are to pretty much anything on wheels with a motor. If you had to walk 45 minutes to get to school every day, then a bicycle would be a godsend. A free bicycle? Like winning the lottery. As for taking the next step up and buying a car, the whole point of investing in a Print Management System is to let you work more efficiently, and that opens the door to higher profits.

You'll know when you've outgrown the bicycle.

feature chart
On as many as you like within the same corporate entity, in no more than two business locations. Using the program at home doesn't count.
No Fees. We don't nickel and dime our customers.
Yes, if the program hasn't been downloaded yet. No, if it has. All our programs are sold with a perpetual use license and, once installed, lack any connection to the mothership. No cookies, no software keys, no remote off-switch of any kind. If we issued refunds for downloaded programs, nothing would prevent someone from buying and installing a paid version, ask for credit, then use the installed program forever. That's why we urge every potential Morning Flight buyer to please download one of our free demos and give it a thorough workout before ordering and downloading a paid version.
Current editions are designed for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10. They will run on newer Macs equipped with the Intel chip, plus Windows and either Boot Camp or Parallels. We're not planning to offer native versions.
Think "Essential" now and move up when you need to

You can always upgrade for just the difference in price. All Morning Flight editions share the same database. When you outgrow one, it's easy to scale up to another by merely swapping out programs. All the data you entered will still be there, waiting.